When asking for the postponement of ENEM (National High School Exam), Minas Gerais student Elisa Teixeira started with her petition one of the most interesting movements of the pandemic involving online petitions. About to take the ENEM 2020, and in the face of the advance of the pandemic and the difficulty in properly continuing with classes and knowing the risks at the time of the test, she created this petition to ask that the Minister of Education, Abraham Weintraub and INEP , postpone the test.
In her online petition, the student highlights that about 6.6 million students in the country did not have access to the internet and many were not receiving distance learning classes. As if the difficulties in following the preparatory content were not enough, the pandemic situation itself was a major complicating factor.
Despite not initially being directed to Congress, the more than 260 thousand signatures and more than one million posts with the hashtags on social networks made parliamentarians, faced with a lack of manifestation by the MEC, propose projects (PL 1277/2020 and PL 2623 /2020) to ensure this postponement. With the movement of the National Congress, the Federal Government postponed the examination.
#AdiaEnem petition here .