“We are not in the same boat”

The collective Desenrola e Não me Enrole wrote an article showing several initiatives that are being carried out on the outskirts of São Paulo in the fight against COVID-19. The actions started in view of the lack of support from the public power for communities that cannot attend to the “stay at home”. The proposal of the groups is to make a […]

Brazil's favelas, neglected by the government, organize their own coronavirus fight

The American newspaper “The Washington Post” published an article written by the correspondent in Brazil, Marina Lopes, dealing with the reality and creative actions carried out in Brazilian favelas to combat the coronavirus. The article explains several initiatives from the favelas of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, which act in the absence of a policy […]

The Basic Income We Want

Technical note of the Basic Income we Want campaign, signed by 162 organizations and movements, presents a list of 20 obstacles to the proper implementation of the Emergency Basic Income. See the note here.

Impacts of the Pandemic on Civil Society

The Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA) made a technical note about the impacts of the pandemic on civil society organizations, thinking about their challenges and perspectives. The text also points out some alternatives and reflections, in an effort to contextualize based on mappings and descriptions of the organizations' profiles in activities in the country.

The effects on vulnerable groups and territories of measures to face the health crisis

The Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA) made a technical note about the impacts of measures to combat the coronavirus for the most vulnerable social groups in the country. The purpose of the note is to perceive the adverse effects and the gaps of the current measures to face the crisis, which does not mean, they say, that they are contrary to the […]

Territorial Context and Collective Action

Article written by authors linked to Instituto Pólis, a civil society organization that works to defend the right to the city, shows how collective action can help to reduce the impact of the virus. Access here.

Solidarity is fundamental, but not enough

In an article published in the Jornal da Universidade UFRGS, Marcelo Kunrath presents several initiatives carried out by society to face the coronavirus in more vulnerable communities. The professor, however, says that it is necessary for the government to implement qualified public policies, articulated and with the necessary resources for them to have scale. The proposals of what can be done […]

Academics from the South Speak on Civil Society Initiatives

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Civic Activism Network, made up of academics from several countries in the Global South, published a video talking about the challenges faced by civil society and the changes in forms of participation in the context of a pandemic.

Civil society and the coronavirus: dynamism despite disruption

Saskia Brechenmacher, Tom Carothers and Richard Youngs, 4/21/2020: “Foreboding though this picture is, the crisis is also catalyzing new forms of civic mobilization. Civil society actors in many countries, democratic and nondemocratic alike, are rising to the pandemic challenge in myriad small and large ways. They are filling in gaps left by governments to provide […]