On January 14, 2021, videos of patients' relatives and desperate health professionals exploded on social media, denouncing the lack of oxygen in hospitals in Manaus-AM. Several patients died from not having access to oxygen pumps, including not only people infected with Covid-19, but also with other illnesses. For example, premature babies who depend on receiving oxygen were also in great danger. As a result, several mobilizations of civil society, artists and society as a whole emerged to raise funds for the purchase of oxygen bombs and also to denounce the situation, caused by the government's neglect and by the pressure of sectors opposed to the necessary measures of social isolation.
Here, we publish two examples of campaigns with information from organizations that are receiving donations to purchase oxygen pumps.
In addition, several groups are carrying out protests, such as the pot that took place on January 15, called by actors of different ideological orientations, from the Popular Brazil Front and the Evangelicals Front for the Rule of Law to the Free Brazil Movement and Vem pra Rua :
Other forms of online mobilization are also emerging. An example is the use of the hashtag #manauspedesocorro on Twitter to give visibility to events. Campaigns were also launched to send out massive emails and phone calls, with the aim of putting pressure on the Ministers of Health and Defense to take action.
The University and Cultural Center of Agronomy (Cuca), of the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), also decided to start a solidarity action to help the city's health professionals, as well as relatives of patients hospitalized in the city's health units.
Those interested in helping Cuca UFAM's solidarity action received more information through the campaign page on Instagram @cuca.ufam and donations were made via PIX transfer.
To receive donations made by the population, the Government of Amazonas reported that it has established a channel to concentrate donations of oxygen pumps to health units, in partnership with the Manaus City Hall and the Federal Government. The group, formed by professionals from the Civil House, the State Department of Health (SES-AM) and the Civil Defense of Amazonas, aims to streamline logistics to ensure supply.
Companies and individuals, from Manaus or other Brazilian states, interested in donating oxygen pumps to the state, obtained information through contacts: (92) 99220-2712, (92) 99455-2001, (92) 99182-8974.
To receive the help, in Manaus, the secretariat informed that it opened two delivery points :
For donations of medicines, disposable supplies and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), interested parties sought the headquarters of the Central de Medicamentos do Amazonas (CEMA) – at Avenida Duque de Caxias, 1998, Praça 14 neighborhood.
CEMA received donations of surgical gloves, procedure gloves, caps, disposable and surgical gowns, disposable shoes, masks of all types and supplies for tracheal intubation, in addition to glucose, magnesium sulfate and sodium heparin.
CEMA is open from 8 am to 5 pm, from Monday to Saturday. Further information can be obtained by e-mail direcaocema@saude.am.gov.br and by calling (92) 3131-2802 and 3131-2800.
Materials for permanent use, such as furniture, mattresses, equipment, oximeters and other hospital equipment, were delivered to the department's Heritage Management (Gepat) shed, located in the CEMA annex. The site is open from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 5 pm, and contact with the asset management to formalize donations can be made by e-mail gepat@saude.am.gov.br .
Health units only received donations of perishable products, such as ready-to-eat foods, which must be delivered directly.
The CNS released, on 01/15/2021, a note expressing its indignation at the situation faced in Manaus. In the document, the Council reinforces that, in addition to material and financial resources, so that the Unified Health System can function properly, it needs a workforce and integrated, articulated and uniform coordination of its actions. The Council showed that it is necessary for federal, state and municipal governments to act together and, after all, comply with the public calamity decree and enact lockdown to contain the spread of the disease. Read the full note here .
celebrities and influencers started a mobilization to donate respirators to the State of Amazonas, due to the collapse in health due to the lack of oxygen pumps for the treatment of patients diagnosed with Covid-19. On Twitter, comedian Whindersson Nunes reported that he provided 20 50-liter cylinders of the material to health units in Manaus and encouraged other colleagues to also make donations.
More than a month after the various reports that denounced the situation of the health system in Manaus, the alert scenario had not yet changed. As a result, the World Vision started a collection of donations with the objective of acquiring and distributing supplies for health professionals, such as oxygen cylinders and PPE; hygiene and cleaning kits for families in Manaus; and food for vulnerable people.