8th NEB Meeting – Covid-19 in precarious settlements

On Thursday, the 14/04/2020th, the 8th virtual meeting of the NEB, Core of Bureaucracy Studies, took place. At the eighth meeting, the focus of the debate was the impact of the pandemic on Brazilian favelas and peripheries, as well as what are the challenges and possibilities of facing the crisis in these territories. Participated in the live: Ana Mirtes, resident and community leader of Ilha de Deus in Recife; Pedro Bento, student of public administration at FGV and creator of Favela sem Corona; Danilo Lima, from the Periphery Without Corona movement; Jabes Campos, member of the Brasilândia Solidarity Network. See here .

social movements
social activism

The Forum do Amanhã channel, created in 2015, promoted a debate with three activists in the live held on 17

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