Campaign “Connect to Corona!”

The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation joined Redes da Maré and organizations from the Manguinhos community to launch the “ Se Liga no Corona! “, which aims to disseminate reliable information adapted to the context of the peripheries. The content produced by the campaign is available for download on the Fiocruz Portal and on Maré Online . In addition, the Campaign launched a validation seal for communication materials produced by partner community organizations. Its content will be submitted to specialists at Fiocruz and, if valid, they will receive the Fiocruz Tá Junto , offering the material a scientific seal.

Moving Screens

The Telas em Movimento project was born with the aim of democratizing access to cinema, especially in the periphery of the Amazon.

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Alemão Crisis Office

Colectivo Papo Reto, Voz das Comunidades and Colectivo Mulheres em Ação no Alemão came together to form the Alemão Crisis Cabinet. Are

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