Creation of economic support policies for the Brazilian Dental Surgeon

The dentist Luis Fernando Braga created this petition with the aim of drawing the attention of governments and the Legislative Power to autonomous dentists with private care and dentists who attend dental agreements with policies of economic support, support, lines of credit, differentiated tax policy for that these professionals can feel more relaxed in their reality.

The author reinforces the unhealthy nature of the profession with exposure to infectious agents, radiation, noise pollution and potential disease vectors. And, according to the professional, the INSS does not provide special retirement for the self-employed because there is no proof of risk. And in the face of the pandemic, the situation worsened with the need for closure and restriction of service by these professionals.

The author reinforces that without elective care in the office, out of respect for patients and employees and in line with the request of the organs to control the progress of the pandemic, revenue is lost but the costs of taxes, insurance, preventive maintenance, employees, rent are lost. , condominium, private security, courses and congresses, water, electricity, telephone etc continued.

The petition has more than 86 thousand signatures and PL 2424 of 2020 meets the demand and has less than 1000 supporters on the official websites of Congress.

Meet the petition .