MTST Brasil is organizing Solidary Kitchens to build 26 solidary kitchens in various urban peripheries in Brazil.
There will be at least one Solidarity Kitchen on the outskirts of the states of Roraima, Ceará, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, two in the Federal District, four in the outskirts of São Paulo and, finally, , one in the ABC region of São Paulo.

The Solidarity Kitchens operate daily distributing free lunches to families on the outskirts of the country's urban centers. We want all families in the periphery to have the right to healthy and nutritional food. In a time of pandemic and crisis, the distribution of  meals directly benefits women , children and the elderly.
The goal is to produce and distribute 32 thousand meals per month considering the 26 Solidarity Kitchens that will be working together in the first semester.

Movimenta Caxias

With the help of several partners, Movimenta Caxias is distributing basic food baskets, hygiene kits and organic food to

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