Video produced by students Gláucia Dias Maciel and Mariana Miranda Tavares for the discipline Social Movements, Political System and Representation, under the guidance of Professor Débora Rezende of the Resocie research group on the mobilization of social movements to guarantee the approval of Emergency Aid in the Covid pandemic -19.

The Basic Income We Want campaign was launched on March 20, 2020 with the increase in restrictions imposed by the pandemic, the inertia of the Federal Government and the derisory aid of R$ 200.00 proposed only verbally for families in the single register and which did not include informal workers and neither professionals on leave or fired who would be without income from one day to the next. Among the actions were tweets, activist lives , the use of bots to send messages to parliamentarians, an online petition with more than 540 thousand signatures in just 10 days and the mobilization of a network of movements with more than 200 different groups, NGOs, unions, councils and diverse social actors that ensured the approval of the law in less than 15 days, even with restricted access to the National Congress and parliamentarians.