Social movements in times of Covid-19: another world is needed

Donatella Della Porta 03/26/2020 Text originally published on OpenDemocracy “Faced with the obvious need for a radical and complex transformation of the system, social movements in times of crisis act differently from the protests we are used to” Continue reading
“It is necessary that the resource of 600 reais arrives today”. Interview with Sonia Fleury
By João Vitor Santos and Patricia Fachin 02/04/2020 Text originally published on IHU On-Line “The 600 reais coronavoucher for informal, autonomous and intermittent workers, as the payment of emergency aid that will be made by the federal government became known, “it can reach people in the communities, but to be operationalized, it requires a bureaucracy that […]
Much more than a pot: social resistance in the time of coronavirus
Breno Bringel 03/31/2020 Text originally published in Folha de São Paulo “The strengthening of social ties and community ties is another potential for resistance in times of coronavirus.” Continue reading.
The Wretched of the Earth: The poorest are mobilizing against the pandemic

Marisa von Bülow 24/03/2020 Text originally published on HuffPost Brasil The first victim of the coronavirus in Rio de Janeiro was a domestic worker, contaminated by her boss, who had recently arrived from abroad and did not self-isolate. The maid, who suffered from high blood pressure and diabetes but could not afford to lose her […]