Brazilian street protests during the pandemic
In a text published in Jornal One Page, researcher Olívia Cristina Perez points out how the pandemic has impacted street protests in Brazil, even in a highly polarized and complex political environment. Access the text here
Report “Seeds 2021: situation of human rights defenders in Brazil”
In February 2022, the Seeds 2021 Report was published: situation of human rights defenders in Brazil”, an initiative of several civil society organizations that form the Seeds of Protection Project. The report features interviews with 33 leaders, who present their testimonies on how they faced the pandemic. More information about the publication […]
Civil Society Organizations in the Covid-19 Pandemic
The report produced by SBSA Advogados points out the impacts of the legal measures adopted during the Covid-19 pandemic on the daily lives of civil society organizations. The main topics covered are: Corporate Law, Management, CSO Regulatory Framework, Bidding, Tax Law, Labor Law, Essential Services and Civil Society in the pandemic. Access the document here.
Farmer's Day and Hunger: Government highlights weapons and movements donate food
In a text in response to a post on Twitter by the Federal Government's Communication Department – celebrating Farmer's Day with an image of a man and a gun – Marco Antonio Teixeira, Camila Penna, Renata Motta and Priscila D. Carvalho present an analysis that brings together data on how family farming has contributed […]
Covid: Lessons from the favela that reduced deaths by 90% while Rio was experiencing tragedy
BBC Brasil report reports experiences lived by Brazilian favelas that collaborated to reduce the impacts of the coronavirus in these territories, taking as an example the favela of Maré-RJ. From distributing food to raising awareness of preventive measures and carrying out tests, these actions have contributed to reducing deaths in the favela to below the […]
COVID-19 from the Margins
The “COVID-19 from the margins” website is an initiative of researchers from the Big Data from the South Project. The website – which accepts texts in several languages – brings together publications that give visibility to the Global South's narratives about the pandemic.
Paraisópolis has better control of the pandemic than the municipality of São Paulo
Analysis carried out by Instituto Pólis, part of a study that indicates the territories most vulnerable to the disease, shows how the coping strategies implemented by the community of Paraisópolis were more effective in containing the impacts of the pandemic in the territory than those carried out in the municipality of São Paulo as a whole.
The favela is not at home office
Analysis published in DW presents the considerations of leaders of several favelas who point out the concerns with the increase in cases of Covid-19 in the communities added to the increase in hunger. These are reflections of the abyss that exists between the reality of these territories and what is observed by the government and society in general, deepened […]
Solidarity is fundamental, but it is not enough
In an analysis published in the UFRGS newspaper, Professor Marcelo Kunrath shows several civil society initiatives that are playing a fundamental role in the fight against COVID-19. However, he points out that, although commendable, these initiatives have a short term. He argues that governments need to assume, in fact, their role in this conjuncture by presenting more qualified public policies. For […]
Outskirts and slums against the coronavirus
The Bureau of Bureaucracy Studies (NEB-FGV EAESP) wrote about urban inequality and solidarity networks in times of a pandemic, and especially how people in socially vulnerable situations are affected in different ways. The article, published in Estadão, can be read through the link.