Marajó Observatory

The Marajó Observatory works to build social technologies that serve the population, especially the Marajoara population, to guide the public agenda and political processes based on knowledge and information. The Observatory launched an initiative to bring data about the social context of the region and each of the municipalities, entitled Cadernos do Marajó, […]
Data on protests related to the pandemic

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) launched the COVID-10 Disorder Tracker, to systematize data on protests and conflicts related to the pandemic in various regions of the world. It ranges from episodes of violence against health workers to protests against isolation measures.
Map with vaccination data

This initiative of the National Health Council systematizes vaccination data in Brazil. The Our World in Data initiative informs vaccination rates around the world, making them available in maps and tables. You can access the map on this page.
donation monitor

Website informs the weekly evolution of donations made to lessen the impact of Covid-19. They can be viewed by donor type (companies, campaigns, individuals). It is possible to learn about donation campaigns and also donate to the ABCR (Brazilian Association of Fundraisers), the institution responsible for monitoring.
Organizing amidst COVID-19: sharing stories of struggles

Interface Magazine created a special issue with short articles about the fight against the pandemic around the world.
Observatory of Social Movements in Latin America

The Observatory of Social Movements in Latin America of the Center for Studies on Social Theory and Latin America (NETSAL), from UERJ, seeks not only to catalog different initiatives to combat Covid in Latin America, but also “to grasp the meanings of the ongoing disputes. “ So far, this has involved the preparation of the first issue of “Comunica América Latina”, which […]
Covid-19 Observatory / Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
The Fiocruz Covid-19 Observatory aims to develop integrated analyses, technologies, proposals and solutions to face the Covid-19 pandemic by SUS and Brazilian society. Structured in a collaborative way, it brings together the work already developed in several laboratories, research groups and sectors of Fiocruz, within the scope of their competences and expertise, develop their activities in networks […]
hold the wave

Guide to citizen initiatives to face the coronavirus, social innovation and civic resilience in times of a pandemic. The website presents various information about the pandemic (information on care during the pandemic, official information sources), as well as several lists of initiatives on topics such as: culture, work and income, solidarity consumption and solidarity networks, support […]
Marielle Franco Dictionary of Favelas

The Marielle Franco Dictionary of Favelas, which aims to stimulate and enable the collective collection and construction of existing knowledge about favelas, is a key reference on information related to the fight against the pandemic in favelas (mainly in Rio de Janeiro, but also from elsewhere in the country). On the platform you can find contact lists […]
Solidarity Network of the Brazilian Association of NGOs

Abong (Brazilian Association of Non-Governmental Organizations) created a Solidarity Network with the aim of unifying, on a single platform, various civil society initiatives to mobilize people for help and protection. On the platform it is possible to register an initiative, request support, make donations or engage more actively in actions.