In Favor of Postponing ENEM
One of the most important digital campaigns of 2020 was the one that demanded the postponement of the ENEM tests, with the hashtags #AdiaEnem and #AdiaEnem2020.
We for Ourselves: Activists from the Peripheries Talk about their Actions

In times of a pandemic, new digital technologies are being used intensively by communication collectives and other organizations in the periphery, to present demands, disseminate opinions, exchange ideas. It is possible to access the various interviews, lives and podcasts that have been made by the activists themselves. See, for example: Interview with Preto Zezé, National President of […]
Change the Game to Beat COVID-19 Campaign

The Campaign was organized in 2021, around a “chain of good” on digital platforms. The idea is for each influencer to tag two profiles with which they have an affinity, using the hashtags #MudarOJogo and #Agenda2030paraVencerACovid. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development refers to a plan of action, negotiated within the framework of the United Nations, which places the eradication […]
#ComunicaçãoEPandemia – Live with Colectivo Catarse

On May 7, 2020, Live with Coletivo Catarse, a cooperative that works with cultural production and media in Porto Alegre, took place. The live addressed the topic of civil society communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. The event was presented on the Witness Brasil channel and had the participation of […]
It's time to fight for SUS to save lives

Columnist says that it is necessary to strengthen the SUS, investing resources as a priority in public health, especially on the outskirts of cities - where the impact of Covid-19 is greater. Read here Raimundo Bonfim's column on the subject.
Frente Fora Bolsonaro launches petition demanding the removal of the president

The Frente Fora Bolsonaro brings together several organizations of organized civil society in defense of the removal of the President of the Republic. Check out the movement’s website and the manifesto “Impeachment Já”, which will be delivered to the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), demanding the opening of the impeachment process of Jair Bolsonaro (ex-PSL).
Civil society proposal for the guarantee of Human Rights, protection and assistance to the homeless population in the prevention and fight against the coronavirus

The document of proposals for the defense and guarantee of the human rights of the homeless population was prepared by the National Campaign for Children Not from the Street, the National Movement of Street Boys and Girls, the National Movement of the Street Population and the National Pastoral of the Street People . Check it out here.
Amazonize yourself!

The proposal of the Amazoniza-te campaign is to be a prolonged and urgent action that articulates the Leaders of Indigenous Peoples, the Church in the Amazon, the different ecclesial bodies, artists and opinion makers at national and international levels and scientists, enhancing complaints about the severity situation faced by Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon, aggravated by the pandemic […]
All for the vaccine

The Todos pela Vacina portal provides information on vaccination and carries out favorable campaigns, mainly through social networks. On the portal, it is possible to download arts, filters, effects and videos to help publicize the vaccine.
Guidance for peripheral communities

The Document developed by the Black Population Health Working Group of the Brazilian Society of Family and Community Medicine (SBMFC) and by the Association of Family and Community Medicine of Rio de Janeiro (AMFaC-RJ), aims to guide the population of communities and peripheries throughout Brazil about the importance of preventing […]