Online Embroidery

During the period of social isolation, political embroidery collectives were prevented from holding in-person meetings and demonstrations, which led members to actively demonstrate on their social networks, mainly through posts on Instagram. The embroidery carried out at that time usually involved themes such as: defending social isolation and […]
Popular Memory in the Pandemic

The Popular Memory of the Pandemic website is a project for recording and disseminating reports on popular experiences in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The website was developed by Plataforma Dhesca Brasil and there it is possible to navigate through the memories of individuals and groups, who narrate their experiences and strategies for coping with the pandemic. In addition to browsing through memories […]
In Santo André, residents use WhatsApp and videos to inform about Covid-19 in the favelas

The Communities Committee is a WhatsApp group that seeks to bring more information about the coronavirus to peripheral neighborhoods in the municipality of Santo André, in São Paulo. The initiative was created by the MDDF (Movimento de Defesa dos Favelados) with the aim of organizing a virtual network with residents and community leaders representing […]
COVID-19 from the Margins

The “COVID-19 from the margins” website is an initiative of researchers from the Big Data from the South Project. The website – which accepts texts in several languages – brings together publications that give visibility to the Global South's narratives about the pandemic.
Covid-19 Emergency

The world of philanthropy brought together, on the same platform, social investment funds and digital crowdfunding to raise money for various purposes, from social assistance actions to the purchase of equipment for hospitals and research institutions. The initiative, called “Emergency COVID-19 – Coordination of Philanthropy and Social Investment Actions in Response to the Crisis”, was […]
Matchfunding Face

The Enfrente Collaborative Fund was an initiative of the Tide Setubal Foundation and other partners, which sought to complement collective funding initiatives to face the pandemic in Brazilian peripheries. On the website, there is information about projects in several Brazilian cities.
Campaigns for Financial Aid

There was also a multiplication of the so-called “electronic crowdfunding”, to raise funds to buy groceries and cleaning material for the poorest communities. On the crowdfunding platforms and it is possible to access several of these initiatives. It also has the page, whose objective is to collect donations and give visibility to philanthropic hospitals and social organizations that are in the fight against […]

The EPI (Individual Protection Equipment) Network created, in 2020, a website whose objective was to make the connection between those who needed protective equipment and potential donors. It was an initiative of communication professionals and members of the health community. On the website, health institutions could register and present their demands.
“Lives” allow you to see solidarity actions in real time

Many organizations are showing, in real time, solidarity actions related to the pandemic, through lives on Facebook and Instagram pages. See, for example, the live on May 1, recorded at the Associação de Moradores de Peixinhos (PE), which publicizes the joint action of activists from the MST, unions and associations […]
Other online protests
In addition to the protests mentioned in other posts on this page, we made a list (certainly incomplete) of some of the main protest hashtags used in the first year of the pandemic: #CoronaNasPeriferias #COVID19NasFavelas #CUFAcontraovirus #Favelacontravirus #PagaLogoBolsonaro #CoronNasPerifas #Covid19nasPeriferias #CovidNasFavelas #Covid19PeriferiasBelem # covid19nafaveladoaço #JacarezinhoContraOCoronavirus #DiarioDeUmFaveladoNaPandemia #CoronaNasPeriferiasEFavelas #FiqueEmCasa #maesdafavela