Periphery in Focus

Periferia em Foco, a popular communication collective, focusing on the Periphery of Greater Belém do Pará, promoted lives to discuss the impacts of the pandemic in the most diverse areas. The information is on the initiative's social networks.

The pandemic and quilombola communities

The coronavirus has had even more devastating effects on quilombola communities, where health services are lacking and lethality is high. To give visibility to this situation and discuss ways out, activists and organizations made several lives. In one of the first lives, organized on June 4, 2020, CONAQ executive secretary Selma Dealdiana and […]

Social and community organizations facing the effects of COVID-19

This live discusses the initiatives and challenges faced by social and community organizations in the face of the pandemic, during the first months of 2020. It is a conversation with Marcivan Barreto, state president of CUFA - Central Única das Favelas, Anabela Gonçalves, president of Associação Cultura Bloco do Beco, federal deputy Orlaldo Silva and Wagner Silva (Guinea), […]

Coronavirus in the Favelas: how to fight the pandemic in the periphery

The UOL Debate of 04/24/2020 brought together community representatives to discuss the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic in the country's slums. Anna Karla Pereira, co-founder of Frente Favela Brasil; Christiane Teixeira, community leader from Coroadinho (MA); Gilson Rodrigues, community leader from Paraisópolis (SP) and Isabela Souza, director of Observatório das Favelas. Bianca Santana, columnist […]

Live Solidarity – Indigenous Women on the Move

The Association of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB) held a “live in solidarity” on December 1, 2020, with the theme “Indigenous Women on the Move”. The live featured Ana Paula Sabino, Hamangai Pataxó and Indiana Petsirei O Dumhive, among others. Access here.

Sonia Guajajara: the indigenous struggle against Covid and the government

Sonia Guajajara, one of the most important Brazilian indigenous leaders today, spoke on August 7, 2020 with reporters André Barrocal and Felipe Milanez, about the struggles of indigenous peoples against the new coronavirus pandemic. In that conversation, she linked the challenges faced in the context of the pandemic to the attacks perpetrated by the government […]

Live launch of the Covid-19 Observatory in Quilombos

The Covid-19 Observatory in Quilombos is an online platform that gathers epidemiological data on the new coronavirus pandemic among quilombolas from all over Brazil. The monitoring, carried out by the National Coordination of Articulation of Rural Black Communities Quilombolas (Conaq) and the Socio-Environmental Institute (ISA), presents monitored, confirmed cases and deaths resulting from Covid-19 among quilombolas. […]