LIVE – Prose of Daisies in Pandemic Times
The Marcha das Margaridas organized the series of lives 'Prose of Daisies in times of a pandemic'. Broadcast live on FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE and PORTAL DA CONTAG, it addressed topics related to the political axes of the Political Platform of the Marcha das Margaridas. They are important contents and reflections about the problems and social, economic and political issues that, […]
Indigenous Health in Times of Pandemic
On September 16, 2020, Fiocruz promoted a live with the theme "Indigenous health in a time of pandemic". The event was attended by Rita Bacuri, Carmem Pankararu, João Paulo Tukano, Fabiane Santos. Access here.
How are the Quilombos of Rio in Pandemic Times?
How has the pandemic impacted urban quilombos in Rio de Janeiro? How important are these spaces to preserve memory and as tools of resistance? These were some of the questions discussed in the live held on May 5, 2020 with leaders of the five urban quilombos in Rio de Janeiro, who also spoke […]
Indigenous Populations in the Pandemic: Dialogues at USP
The Dialogues at USP program, held on May 22, 2020, discussed the topic “indigenous populations in the pandemic” online. The following guests participated: Marcello Rollemberg (journalist), Marcos Wesley (advisor at Instituto Socioambiental – ISA) and Marta Rosa (professor at USP). Access here.
#ComunicaçãoEPandemia – Live with Colectivo Catarse

On May 7, 2020, Live with Coletivo Catarse, a cooperative that works with cultural production and media in Porto Alegre, took place. The live addressed the topic of civil society communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. The event was presented on the Witness Brasil channel and had the participation of […]
Coronavirus and life on the outskirts
How can the coronavirus pandemic impact life on the periphery? What has the government done to prevent the already difficult life of millions of people who already live in precarious conditions from becoming even worse? Economist Laura Carvalho, author of the book Valsa Brasileira, and activist Renê Silva, founded by the NGO […]
Inequalities: quilombola communities facing the pandemic
Quilombola Selma Dealdina, from the National Coordination of Articulation of Rural Black Communities and Quilombolas (Conaq), and the former deputy attorney general of the Republic, Deborah Duprat, talked about the topic “Inequalities: Quilombola Communities Facing the Pandemic”, on the day June 14, 2020. The moderation was in charge of Katia Maia, executive director of Oxfam Brazil. Access here.
Inequalities and democracy in times of Covid-19
To talk about the issue of inequality and the pandemic, the weekly live organized by Oxfam-Brasil on June 11, 2020 invited two experts. The first guest was Anielle Franco: Writer, professor and master in journalism and English from the University of North Carolina (USA). She is director of the Marielle Franco Institute. The second guest […]
LABGEF INVITES: dialogues in times of a pandemic
The second live of the Gender and Family Relations Laboratory - LABGEF, held on July 14, 2020, had as its theme "Social movements in the pandemic: experiences of Florianópolis, Lisbon and Seville", with mediation by Francisco Canella and participation of / the teachers: Francisco José Cuberos Galhardo (University of Seville, Spain. Alcalá Assembly), Simone […]
Social Movements, Social Struggles and Class Solidarity
The eighth live promoted by the Brazilian Association of Teaching and Research in Social Service, held on September 1, 2020, discussed the theme "Social movements, social struggles and class solidarity". Exhibitors and exhibitor: Marina dos Santos – Landless Workers Movement (MST) -Rud Rafael – Workers Movement […]