Social Assistance Workers Movement

Live held on July 09, 2020 by the Multiple Knowledge Project with the theme: Social Assistance Workers Movement in times of a pandemic. The live was attended by Psychologist Vanessa Brito. Access here.
The Challenges of Social Movements in a Time of Pandemic: what to do?
Live held on May 19, 2020 to discuss the topic “the challenges of social movements in a time of a pandemic: what to do?” Proposed by Grupo Animação Cultural, the live was attended by History Professor and PT-JP Director Josenilton Feitosa, Marcos Oliveira, professor of Public Management and Edson Gomes, […]
Social inequalities in times of a pandemic
Live promoted by the Regional Council of Economy-MG, held on July 09, 2020 with the theme "Social inequalities in times of pandemic", with the participation of Gustavo Agiar, Tania Teixeira, Emmanuele Silveira, Gelton Coelho and Bruno Lazzarotti ( coordinator of the Observatory of Social Inequalities). It is part of the activities of the Economy for All Project, […]
Social movements and pandemic
Luciana Tatagiba, Débora Rezende and Leonardo Avritzer debate Social movements and pandemic in the "Quarantine, crisis of democracy and politics". The debate, held on June 12, 2020, was aired on the YouTube TV channel of Democracy INCT and on the Facebook page of the Instituto da Democracia e da Democratização da Comunicação. Access here.
The Necropolitics Debate in Pandemic Times
Debate mediated by the Board of Management of the XVI Plenary of CRP SP, Ione Xavier, on April 5, 2020, with the participation of psychologist Carolina Duarte, who is part of the Brazilian Association of Social Psychology (ABRAPSO), and psychologists Leandro Fonseca, professor of the Psychology course at the University of Sorocaba, and Marcio Farias, member […]
Mapping of Emergency Actions of Civil Society Incidence in the Pandemic

The Brazilian Association of NGOs (ABONG), in partnership with FASE, NEPAC/Unicamp, NETSAL/UERJ and RESOCIE/UnB, held a virtual debate on October 13, 2020 with several guests, based on the theme " Mapping of emergency actions to impact civil society on the pandemic”. Access here.
Social Movements, Organization and Pandemic in Alagoas: Dialogues in Bureau
The live, held on the 06/10/2020th, was a moment of discussion and learning about the Lagunar de Maceió region. Rogério Dyaz, artist, founder of Coletivo Quintal Cultural and Movimento dos Povos das Alagoas; Vanessa Santos, representative of the Cooperative of Marisqueiras Mulheres Guerreiras – Coopmaris; […]
Activism and Care
The proposal of the live Activism and Care, held on 08/06/2020, was to offer a space for exchanging and sharing experiences, bringing to the debate the themes of self-care and collective care in the various experiences of activism. Participants in the debate were: Lúcia Xavier, Maria Dolores and Gabi Negríndia. Access here.
Zero Eviction Campaign and the Homeless Population The description of this live argues: “Brazil does not know, until now, how many homeless people were contaminated and died by covid-19. In this serious context, people, movements and entities that guide the violation of rights for people who do not have a roof over their heads join the national Zero Eviction Campaign, with the […]
Crossing episodes 1 to 8

Travessia is a series of videos made by the Center for Education and Popular Advice, whose main theme is the COVID-19 pandemic, but which in each episode brings a new sub-theme. Access here.