Artist Residencies and University Museums During the Pandemic

“The CAL/UnB and OEI artistic residency differs from others because it takes place within the university. It assumes itself as a space for dialogues and interactions, discussion of the arts and critical production. Focused on stimulating Latin American and African arts, it has been developing programs in loco since 2017, having already carried out three international residencies. This year, on 9/22/2020 […]

The Impact of Covid-19 on the Action of Popular Social Movements

The Center for Education and Popular Advice presents in this live the study "The impact of Covid-19 on the action of popular social movements". The material is the result of interviews carried out with leaders of 23 Brazilian organizations in order to understand how the coronavirus pandemic impacts on the political-organizational and political-educational actions of the […]

Exchange of Experiences for the Protection of Indigenous Defenders against COVID-19

This live broadcast the debate table on “Problems of access to justice for indigenous peoples in the field of COVID-19”, which was part of the webinar “Exchange of experiences for the protection of indigenous defenders against COVID-19”, organized by Coordinadora de las Organizaciones Indígenas de la Cuenca Amazónica (COICA). The initiative is part of […]

Solidarity Alliances for Emergency Aid

To talk about what solidary alliances were during the pandemic, what their limits and potential were, the Transe Hub channel held a live, on 08/27/2020, with the participation of Victor Hugo Viegas, member of Transe, and Zé Antônio – activist who has done digital ethnography in dozens of facebook groups and […]

Webinar #18 | Peripheries and Covid-19: impacts and responses

In this edition of the series of webinars Population and Development in Debate, held on 08/26/2020, the impacts and possible solutions of the crisis caused by the pandemic were discussed from different perspectives, based on experiences in peripheral regions in Brazil. Anielle Franco – Director of the Marielle Franco Institute and curator of the […]

Live with Evangelical Social Movements

The Movement for the Popular Evangelical Banquet held on August 25, 2020 a live on its Facebook channel with several representatives of evangelical social movements. The objective is to make a counterpoint with the fundamentalist logic of other sectors and talk about the political participation of evangelicals. Participated in the debate: Will Carvalho, Ariovaldo, Bianca […]

Parliamentary Action in the Fight against Covid-19

This live discussed the various ways in which parliamentary mandates have acted in favor of the homeless population during the face of the impacts of the new coronavirus pandemic. It was held on August 18, 2020 and had guests: Eduardo Suplicy, Soninha Francine, Beth Sahão, Deputy Erica Malunguinho and Juliana Cardoso. Access here.

BC Communities 2020: Us for us – Transforming the periphery

Community leaders from the first class of BC Comunidades talk to award-winning social educator Bel Santos Mayer about transforming the territory where they live. BC Comunidades identifies, supports and gives visibility to new local leaders. An expansion program for the Brazil Conference in partnership with Insper. Participate in the discussion on August 7th […]