Morhan in quarantine – LIVE 15 – Social Movements, housing and covid-19
Conversation with activists held on June 11, 2020 organized in social movements from various parts of the country about how we organize ourselves to face issues that were already serious before the pandemic and are now even more urgent. The following guests participated in the live: Altamira Simões, Ana Lucia, Darcy Costa, Moyses Toniolo, Getulio […]
Outskirts Against the Pandemic

Live Periphery against the Pandemic was held on June 4, 2020 by the Rosa Luxemburgo Foundation. It had the support of the following guests: Rita de Cássia – representative of the MTSB, Débora Dias – coordinator of UNEafro Brasil, Tiaraju D'andrea – researcher at the Center for Peripheral Studies – CEP, Anielle Franco – at Instituto Marielle Franco, […]
Collective Action and New Social Mobilizations against Inequalities

Online debate table held during the “PRE ENAPEGS 2020” event, held on May 25, 2020 on the following topic: Collective action and new social mobilizations against inequalities. It has several academics and activists who do research on the topic: Leonardo Leal (UFAL), Danielle Klintowitz (Instituto Polis), Carla Martelli (UESP) and […]
Live with Raull Santiago and Lázaro Ramos

In a live held on May 11, 2020, by the Mídia NINJA channel, actor Lázaro Ramos spoke with activist Raull Santiago, from the collective Papo Reto, who works in the Complexo de favelas do Alemão. See the full interview here, or above.
The Urban Peripheries in the Context of Coping with Covid-19

Live held on May 07, 2020 at the event "Cycle of Lectures" produced by the group Demodê - IPOL / UNB. The main theme of the event this year was “Actions and Challenges in the Confrontation of COVID-19 in Brazil”. The live debated the urban peripheries in the context of fighting COVID-19, and had the participation of 3 […]
May 1 – In defense of democracy – a new world is possible!

In 2020, the main trade union centrals came together to celebrate Labor Day and Worker's Day. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, for the first time, the fraternization was virtual. Organizing union centers: CUT, CSB, CGTB, CTB, Força Sindical, Intersindical, NCST, Public Central do Servidor and UGT. Look here.
Viva Periphery Campaign

Live organized on April 27, 2020 by the Periferia Viva campaign with guests Breno Rodrigues (RJ) and Ronaldo Souza (RS). It discusses the actions carried out in the peripheries of Rio Grande do Sul and Rio de Janeiro. Access here.
Quarantine place

“Lugar de Quarantine” was a podcast made to understand and share different experiences and impacts of COVID-19 on the periphery, starting from the districts of Parelheiros and Marsilac. On April 24, 2020, the first of 21 episodes was released (the last one is from May 25, 2021). The initiative is from the “ArquePerifa” group. Access […]
Interview with Preto Zezé

Interview with Preto Zezé, granted on April 18, 2020 to the website Unidade na Diversidade, about the current situation in the communities, the actions taken so far and what still needs to be done. In addition to Preto Zezé, the debate had the support of Rudá Ricci, Tânia Dornellas, Eugênio Peixoto and Osires […]
8th NEB Meeting – Covid-19 in precarious settlements

On Thursday, the 14/04/2020th, the 8th virtual meeting of NEB, Core of Bureaucracy Studies, took place. At the eighth meeting, the focus of the debate was the impact of the pandemic on Brazilian favelas and peripheries, as well as what are the challenges and possibilities of facing the crisis in these territories. Participated in the live: Ana Mirtes, resident and […]