Urbanism against Covid-19

The group “Urbanistas contra o corona” was born as an initiative to think and produce emergency solutions for social and spatial equity in peripheral spaces in the face of the epidemic. Access the open letter produced by the group here.

To save lives and not profits

The Popular Brazil Front and the People Without Fear Front point out that, in the face of the deepening of the national crisis with the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, they start to wield the flag of “Fora Bolsonaro”. Access the article here.

Black women's letter about Covid-19

Letter from black women about concerns about the impacts of covid-19, signed by the Articulation of Brazilian Black Women's Organizations (AMNB). Access here.

Proposals from popular movements to face the coronavirus crisis

Popular organizations Central dos Movimentos Populares (CMP), National Confederation of Residents' Associations (CONAM), National Movement for the Struggle for Housing (MNLM), Movement of Workers and Workers for Rights (MTD), Movement for the Struggle of Neighborhoods and Favelas ( MLB) and the National Union for Popular Housing (UNMP) propose the adoption of some immediate measures in order to […]

Against the pandemic, the solidarity option

The Platform of Social Movements for the Reform of the Political System, which brings together hundreds of organizations and movements from all over the country, calls for some immediate measures, such as the unfreezing of social spending and the suspension and restructuring of debts. Check the claims at this link.

Virtual March for Science

The Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC), together with its Regional Secretariats and Affiliated Scientific Societies, join forces with entities across the country linked to CT&I to carry out the Virtual March for Science in Brazil on May 7th. With activities broadcast on social networks throughout the day, the […]

It's time to fight for SUS to save lives

Columnist says that it is necessary to strengthen the SUS, investing resources as a priority in public health, especially on the outskirts of cities - where the impact of Covid-19 is greater. Read here Raimundo Bonfim's column on the subject.

Manifesto Bed for All calls for unified regulation of beds by the SUS

The debate about the public health system and inequalities has been amplified in society. Because of this, the launch of the manifesto of the Unified Front for solidary public policies that guarantee, during the pandemic, universal and equal access to hospital services through SUS, is scheduled for May 13th. O […]