In Santo André, residents use WhatsApp and videos to inform about Covid-19 in the favelas

The Communities Committee is a WhatsApp group that seeks to bring more information about the coronavirus to peripheral neighborhoods in the municipality of Santo André, in São Paulo. The initiative was created by the MDDF (Movimento de Defesa dos Favelados) with the aim of organizing a virtual network with residents and community leaders representing […]
Monitoring the actions of public authorities with vulnerable communities and groups in the context of the pandemic

Several associations and movements linked to the fight for housing and urban reform launched monitoring to give visibility to the omissions of public authorities in the fight against Covid-19 in the outskirts. Monitoring is carried out throughout the country, through questionnaires that are being applied to each specific community or group.
Pandemic Monitoring in the Favela

The survey “Pandemic in the Favela – the reality of 14 million slum dwellers in the fight against the new coronavirus” carried out by CUFA and the Instituto Locomotiva, shows the perception of residents of the periphery of the evolution of the pandemic. The survey shows that over 50% believe the pandemic is only halfway there and that […]
CUFA – Mothers of Favela (Year 2)

CUFA has resumed its collection with the aim of benefiting mothers in the favelas with basic food baskets and food basket vouchers. The campaign was restarted after realizing the effects of the second wave of Covid-19 and the drop of 90% of CUFA's collections. In addition to the donations of basic food baskets, CUFA also provides internet access, through a donation […]
Solidarity kitchens

MTST Brasil is organizing Cozinhas Solidárias to build 26 solidary kitchens in various urban peripheries in Brazil. There will be at least one Solidarity Kitchen on the outskirts of the states of Roraima, Ceará, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, two in the Federal District, four in the outskirts of São Paulo and, finally, , […]
Volleyball and solidarity with ASSEVOPA

ASSEVOPA is an association dedicated to teaching volleyball in Palmas-TO. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the association organized with local partnerships to collect and donate food, clothing and hygiene and cleaning items. ASSEVOPA was a partner of CUFA Nacional for a few months, collaborating with […]
Periphery support fund

The Peripheral Support Fund, carried out by RUAS, contributed thousands of people in 2020, and, knowing the urgent need to continue contributing during the most serious moment of the pandemic, it also resumed collections in the second wave of Covid-19.
Divide Project

The Dividir Project has carried out actions in the Federal District since the beginning of the pandemic, in 2020. Now, with the second wave of Covid and the new closure of non-essential services, the homeless population - the project's target - will be greatly impacted, as there are no more people leaving some food or […]
“I want to be able to stay at home” campaign

In Belém do Pará, the “Solidarity Committee for Students and Mothers in Social Vulnerability – I want to be able to stay at home! – is built by the hands of many, many activists from the student, union and feminist movement. The initiative was designed by the @afrontepa and @resistenciafeministapa movements, but with the aim of being much bigger! […]
Moving Screens

The Telas em Movimento project was born with the aim of democratizing access to cinema, mainly on the outskirts of the Amazon. Faced with the pandemic, the project decided to reformulate itself to help combat Covid-19 and help families in vulnerable situations on the outskirts of Belém. More information can be accessed on the project's Facebook page.