UFMG School of Architecture and Secretariat of Urban Policy map initiatives in BH

The research group Social Practices in Urban Space (Praxis) of the School of Architecture of the Federal University of Minas Gerais and the Municipal Secretariat of Urban Policy of Belo Horizonte launched a mapping of initiatives to combat covid-19 in favelas and occupations in the Metropolitan Region of the capital of Minas Gerais.

Platform maps actions in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte

The Associação Imagem Comunitário, from Belo Horizonte, launched the platform “Periferia Viva: Covid-19 Task Force”, an initiative with the objective of bringing together “campaigns, demands and initiatives of those who are in the peripheries, villages, agglomerations and slums of Belo Horizonte. , from Greater BH and from the interior of Minas”. On the website, it is possible to access a map of the actions […]

MLB launches fundraising campaign to fund aid for families

The Movimento de Luta nos Bairros, Vilas e Favelas (MLB) launched a virtual fundraising campaign to fund solidarity actions for communities in Minas Gerais. the organization aims to reach 1,500 families. More information on this page. Nationally, the MLB also undertakes the “Periferia Sem Corona” articulation. On the initiative’s website, it is […]

Movimenta Caxias

With the help of several partners, Movimenta Caxias is distributing basic food baskets, hygiene kits and organic food to the most vulnerable in Duque de Caxias and Baixada Fluminense. The Movement’s Facebook page offers information about the initiatives, promotes discussions with experts on various topics and also reports on how […]

Alemão Crisis Office

Colectivo Papo Reto, Voz das Comunidades and Colectivo Mulheres em Ação no Alemão came together to form the Alemão Crisis Cabinet. These are organizations that have been operating for years and have adapted their agendas to help fight the pandemic. In addition to distributing donations, they also run awareness campaigns, fight against fake news, promote hygiene campaigns […]

Panel “#CoronaNasFavelas” Maré Mobilization Front

The Frente de Mobilidade da Maré, even knowing the difficulties with the underreporting of data reported by the government, took the initiative to prepare a panel that is updated daily with the number of confirmed cases and deaths in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.

Campaign “Maré says NO to the Coronavirus”

Redes da Maré, an organization that operates in the complex of 16 favelas in Maré (Rio de Janeiro), where approximately 140,000 people live, launched the “Maré says NO to the Coronavirus” campaign. On the organization's website you can find information about donating food baskets and how volunteers can help. The funds raised by the Campaign will be used […]

Favela without Corona

Favela Sem Corona is an initiative to purchase and distribute free rapid COVID-19 tests and protective equipment in Favela da Rocinha that has become something more: a preventive communication project, as well as a community instrument to monitor the evolution of the disease through of the survey you created to select beneficiaries.

Campaign “Connect to Corona!”

Fundação Oswaldo Cruz joined Redes da Maré and organizations from the Manguinhos community to launch the “Se Liga no Corona!” Campaign, which aims to disseminate reliable information adapted to the context of the periphery. The content produced by the campaign is available for download on the Fiocruz Portal and on Maré Online. In addition, the Campaign launched a […]

Communities Plate

#pratodoscomunidades is an initiative of the NGO Voz das Comunidades, created to bring ready meals to those in need, in addition to generating jobs in the community. As the campaign reports, “Baskets sometimes may not be enough to help. There are families without gas, water or electricity to cook, needing a plate of food”.