Opina Rocinha Information Panel

Four young people from Rocinha, South Zone of Rio, who are technology and computing enthusiasts created the Opina Rocinha project, with the aim of capturing the perception of favela residents about the pandemic. The panel provides information on the situation in which favela residents find themselves in the midst of the outbreak of […]
On March 21, community leaders from Paraisópolis made a call to recruit volunteers, who became “street presidents” or “brigadistas” (gathered in the photo above). The call is posted on the community's Facebook page. Since then, the community has created shelters, bought ambulances and staged protests denouncing the lack of support from the government […]
Brasilândia Solidarity Network

Brasilândia is one of the districts of São Paulo most affected by the pandemic. Since April, a network of civil society actors has been created, which has expanded to include government actors: “Initially headed by local leaders, today it works in articulation with representatives of Health, Social Assistance, Public Security, Culture, Education and other areas of the policies […]
We, women from the periphery

“We, women from the periphery”, an independent journalistic collective, formed by journalists living in different peripheral regions of the city of São Paulo, is engaged in the fight against COVID-19. The collective’s website houses a variety of analyzes that highlight how the pandemic unevenly affects the periphery, such as the risks of exclusion from distance learning, […]
Emancipa University Courses

The Emancipa network, made up of popular courses present in the outskirts of several states in Brazil, held open online courses on the COVID-19 pandemic situation for the outskirts. Classes took place between May 5th and July 7th, 2020.
National Forum for Urban Reform launches public notice to support peripheries in partnership with the European Union

The National Forum for Urban Reform, in partnership with the European Union, launched the Public Notice for Local Support Initiatives in the Periphery. The objective was to make it possible to carry out actions through local forums and articulations in the development of activities in the emergency fight and prevention of Covid-19, related to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). […]
“For the Life of Our Mothers”

Children of maids launched the letter “For the lives of our mothers”, addressed not only to the authorities, but to all civil society: “when we see that our family members who are domestic workers and day laborers continue to work normally, we emphasize the emergency to comply with the stipulated quarantine by the authorities and we demand paid leave”. Discover the Manifesto Letter here.
Actions of the Homeless Workers Movement against the pandemic

The MTST has developed several actions to combat the coronavirus in the outskirts, from legal and health guidance to the distribution of donations. One of them was collecting donations through an electronic crowdfunding. To find out more about the actions promoted on the Movement page.
Periphery in Movement: manifesto from communicators from all over the country

In a manifesto signed by dozens of groups from all over the country, activist media collectives working in the periphery declared: “We, peripheral and peripheral communicators from various parts of the country, are joining efforts to collaborate with accurate information and that really manage to reach ours. We need to know how to inform… From us to ours!” More information on […]
Who to donate to

The Para Quem Doar website brings together several initiatives throughout Brazil to make it easier for donors to find initiatives, learn about what they do and donate. The page is divided by regions of the country and it is also possible to select alphabetically.