CUFA and Mothers of the Favelas

Central Única das Favelas is collecting and distributing donations across the country, through the Mães das Favelas campaign, carried out in partnership with several companies. The aim is to collect resource donations to provide a basic income for mothers, allowing them to decide what they need to buy. To learn more about CUFA and its […]
G10 of Favelas

The Favelas G10 defines itself as “a group of Social Impact Leaders and Entrepreneurs in the Favelas”, operating at the national level (see map above). On their page and on their social media, they present the actions taken against the pandemic.
UNEAfro, Sefras and Partners Campaign

The UNEAfro organization and 12 other partners, including quilombola support networks and the Franciscan Solidarity Service, distributed basic food baskets and hygiene kits in outskirts and quilombos. They are also guaranteeing a minimum income for teachers, students and coordinators of community courses. On the campaign page you can find detailed information about the steps, […]
Dictionary of Favelas Marielle Franco

The Marielle Franco Dictionary of Favelas, which aims to stimulate and enable the collective collection and construction of existing knowledge about favelas, is a key reference on information related to the fight against the pandemic in favelas (mainly in Rio de Janeiro, but also from elsewhere in the country). On the platform you can find contact lists […]
Popular Movements against COVID-19

On March 23, a group of national popular movements fighting for the right to the city released the document – In Defense of the People, Democracy, the Rule of Law and the fight against COVID-19. It presents a set of claims to face the pandemic, from the perspective of guaranteeing rights and preserving […]
Coronavirus in the Favelas: how to fight the pandemic in the periphery
The UOL Debate of 04/24/2020 brought together community representatives to discuss the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic in the country's slums. Anna Karla Pereira, co-founder of Frente Favela Brasil; Christiane Teixeira, community leader from Coroadinho (MA); Gilson Rodrigues, community leader from Paraisópolis (SP) and Isabela Souza, director of Observatório das Favelas. Bianca Santana, columnist […]
Coronavirus and life on the outskirts
How can the coronavirus pandemic impact life on the periphery? What has the government done to prevent the already difficult life of millions of people who already live in precarious conditions from becoming even worse? Economist Laura Carvalho, author of the book Valsa Brasileira, and activist Renê Silva, founded by the NGO […]
Morhan in quarantine – LIVE 15 – Social Movements, housing and covid-19
Conversation with activists held on June 11, 2020 organized in social movements from various parts of the country about how we organize ourselves to face issues that were already serious before the pandemic and are now even more urgent. The following guests participated in the live: Altamira Simões, Ana Lucia, Darcy Costa, Moyses Toniolo, Getulio […]
Quarantine place

“Lugar de Quarantine” was a podcast made to understand and share different experiences and impacts of COVID-19 on the periphery, starting from the districts of Parelheiros and Marsilac. On April 24, 2020, the first of 21 episodes was released (the last one is from May 25, 2021). The initiative is from the “ArquePerifa” group. Access […]
Fake News and the outskirts of RJ

Big Jaum posted a video on his Instagram commenting on some recurring Fake News on the outskirts of Rio. Access the video at this link.