Brazil: the limits and dangers of a polarizing president

Article published in Jornal El País by Marisa von Bülow, co-authored with Mariana Llanos, discusses how Jair Bolsonaro's strategy of polarization and radicalization in the face of the pandemic crisis can leave him alone and interfere with the necessary cooperation to face it. The authors warn that this attitude could isolate Brazil and interfere with the recovery of […]

Pandemic, social trauma and institutional accountability

Article published in Nexo Jornal by Rebecca Abers, co-authored with other teachers, regarding the traumatic consequences of the pandemic, grief, the right to memory and institutional accountability in this process. The authors point out the role of the State in guaranteeing the memory and mourning of a traumatic experience such as the pandemic.

State-society relations in uncertain times

This article compares how COVID-19 has affected relations between the State and society differently in two relatively similar countries: Brazil and Argentina. Bringing together social movement theories and ideational institutionalism, we argue that variation in responses to the COVID-19 pandemic is explained by the different roles played by […]

The pandemic and the state we want

Article, addressing the role of the State in the pandemic, published by professors Rebecca Abers and Marisa von Bülow in El País. The article reflects on the debate related to the role of the State in the context of the pandemic. They state that it is not enough to just criticize a liberal and conservative State, it is necessary to defend a State that is democratic.