Banking union action and mobilization repertoires in the COVID-19 pandemic

The study is based on an ethnographic field research with bank union leaders in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul to analyze the mobilization repertoires put into practice by bank unionism, during the first year of the pandemic, as well as the possibilities and challenges of action. union. The results showed that the clashes […]

Disputing food systems: responses of social movements to the Covid-19 pandemic

The article analyzes how rural activism in Brazil reacted to the Covid-19 pandemic. To this end, the actions of the main organizations that bring together family farmers and peasants in the country were mapped, in the first seven months of the pandemic, from March to September 2020: National Confederation of Rural Workers and Family Farmers (Contag), National Confederation of [ …]

Social solidarity movement to prevent the spread of COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia

The article analyzes the way in which the COVID-19 pandemic stimulated solidarity actions in different communities. It addresses how people used new digital media to increase solidarity and spread ways to prevent the new corona virus. The article uses qualitative methodology to study social movements that contributed to this struggle. The results […]

Global alert: Policies, social and future movements in dispute during pandemic times

The book brings together articles that debate the reality of the pandemic in 28 countries from all continents, with the purpose of analyzing the multiple sociopolitical implications of the pandemic. The work offers a global look at the current crisis and the contemporary world, the way in which inequalities have been aggravated and the different forms of control […]

Pandemic in the favelas: between needs and strengths

The article offers an overview of how favelas faced the pandemic and their forms of organization. This is a research restricted to the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, based on the collection and organization of information in the Coronavirus in Favelas section of the Dicionário de Favelas (

The social impacts of Covid-19 in Brazil: vulnerable populations and responses to the pandemic

The book proposes a reflection on the effects of the pandemic beyond the health dimension, also considering different social markers, such as race, gender, social class, sexuality, territories and economic dynamics. The volume brings together researchers and specialists, who present diversified contributions and who focus, with special attention, on vulnerable populations in Brazil […]

COVID-19's political challenges in Latin America

The book offers a collection of articles that analyze the political impact and responses of Latin American governments to the COVID-19 pandemic in eight countries. In general, the texts address how denialism and populism affected responses to the new coronavirus pandemic and assess the effectiveness of strategies adopted by different […]

Covid-19 and the potential consequences for social stability

The authors argue that the pandemic arrived at a time of social unrest and that, despite all the psychosocial problems it can cause later, there is a scenario that allows for an increase in the level of social conflict, especially given the way in which the pandemic was carried out. conducted in some places. Such a phenomenon was observed […]