During the period of social isolation, political embroidery collectives were prevented from holding in-person meetings and demonstrations, which led members to actively demonstrate on their social networks, mainly through posts on Instagram. The embroidery carried out at that time usually involved themes such as: defending social isolation and sanitary measures to prevent Covid-19, the demand for a free vaccine for all, the appreciation of the Unified Health System, among others. Image: Linhas de Sampa – available at: https://www.instagram.com/p/CJy4aEHHRB2/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

Linhas do Horizonte, known for being the first political embroidery collective in Brazil, proved to be politically active during the Covid-19 pandemic in several ways. One of them was from what they call pamphleteer embroidery, which consists of embroidering around the causes they defend, thus, they were present at demonstrations for the vaccine and against the policies of Jair Bolsonaro's government. Unlike simply handing out paper pamphlets, the embroiderers argue that embroidering around a cause ends up attracting greater interest from the population, because when people come across something artistic that reminds them of ancestry, a connection of affection and closeness is created, which which facilitates the establishment of dialogue and makes them more open to learning about different causes.

In March 2021, Brazil reached the number of 300 thousand deaths caused by covid-19 and its complications. Thus, the Linhas do Rio collective had the idea of ​​inviting other collectives of political embroiderers from different places to embroider in honor of these victims. First, an embroidered flag was made containing the names of 286 of these victims, but as more embroiderers joined the cause, they carried out more and more embroideries, in addition to the fact that the number of victims continued to grow.

The idea was to take the embroidery to public places, to give visibility and honor the memory of each of these dead. Among the collectives involved were: Linhas do Rio (Rio de Janeiro), Linhas do Horizonte (Belo Horizonte), Linhas de Sampa (São Paulo), Linhas do Mar (Caraguatatuba), Linhas de Santos (Santos), Bordaluta (Brasília), Points of Fight (Belo Horizonte) and Women of the Resistance Abroad (New York).

The Popular Memory of the Pandemic is a project for recording and disseminating reports on popular experiences in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The website was developed by Plataforma Dhesca Brasil and there it is possible to navigate through the memories of individuals and groups, who narrate their experiences and strategies for coping with the pandemic.

In addition to browsing through the memories available on the website, you can also participate in the Popular Memory of the Pandemic us your report . Sharing your experience can be a way to safeguard heritage, strengthen resistance in the present and build the foundations for the future.

THE NATIONAL COALITION FOR THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS UNDER COVID-19 ORphanage is an articulation of civil society organizations, social movements, researchers, legal operators and social activists that has been mobilizing since 2021 for the recognition, visibility and rights of children and teenagers orphaned and orphaned as a result of the COVID-19 syndemic .

Created in the second half of 2021, the Coalition seeks to draw attention to the seriousness of the orphanhood problem created by the Covid-19 pandemic, advance in understanding the dimension of the phenomenon and build a model of action and incidence for an issue that still has no political framework. consolidated. To this end, a survey was carried out to map the state of the art of public policies for orphans. A set of webinars was also held, bringing together specialists and activists around the theme to advance understanding of the problem and the construction of an approach to action.

The first Webinar of December 6, 2021 can be watched here .

The second Webinar, dated February 7, 2022, can be watched here .

And learn about Coalition's position

The Communities Committee is a WhatsApp group that seeks to bring more information about the coronavirus to peripheral neighborhoods in the municipality of Santo André, in São Paulo. The initiative was created by the MDDF (Movimento de Defesa dos Favelados) with the aim of organizing a virtual network with residents and community leaders who represent the municipality's favelas, in addition to outlining topics discussed in the group. The full article can be accessed through the link .

Several associations and movements linked to the fight for housing and urban reform launched a monitoring to give visibility to the omissions of the public power in the fight against Covid-19 in the peripheries. Monitoring is carried out throughout the country, through questionnaires that are being applied in each specific community or group.

The survey “ Pandemic in the Favela – the reality of 14 million favelados in the fight against the new coronavirus” carried out by CUFA and the Locomotiva Institute, shows the perception of residents of the peripheries about the evolution of the pandemic.

The survey shows that over 50% believe the pandemic is only halfway through and that more than 80% are living on lower incomes than they had before the pandemic.

CUFA has resumed its collection with the aim of benefiting mothers in the favelas with basic food baskets and food basket vouchers. The campaign was restarted after realizing the effects of the second wave of Covid-19 and the drop of 90% of CUFA's collections. In addition to the donations of basic food baskets, CUFA also provides internet access, through the donation of chips with the Mães da Favela ON project.

MTST Brasil is organizing Solidary Kitchens to build 26 solidary kitchens in various urban peripheries in Brazil.
There will be at least one Solidarity Kitchen on the outskirts of the states of Roraima, Ceará, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, two in the Federal District, four in the outskirts of São Paulo and, finally, , one in the ABC region of São Paulo.

The Solidarity Kitchens operate daily distributing free lunches to families on the outskirts of the country's urban centers. We want all families in the periphery to have the right to healthy and nutritional food. In a time of pandemic and crisis, the distribution of  meals directly benefits women , children and the elderly.
The goal is to produce and distribute 32 thousand meals per month considering the 26 Solidarity Kitchens that will be working together in the first semester.

ASSEVOPA is an association dedicated to teaching volleyball in Palmas-TO. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the association organized with local partnerships to collect and donate food, clothing and hygiene and cleaning items. ASSEVOPA was a partner of CUFA Nacional for a few months, collaborating with the distribution and implementation of the Mães de Favela and Favela Sem Corona projects on the outskirts of Palmas.

The Dividir Project has carried out actions in the Federal District since the beginning of the pandemic, in 2020. Now, with the second wave of Covid and the new closure of non-essential services, the homeless population - the project's target - will be greatly impacted, as there are no more people leaving some food or some contribution. Therefore, they reinforced their collective funding, in order to support these people, so that they can have at least one healthy meal a day.

In Belém do Pará, the “Solidarity Committee for Students and Mothers in Social Vulnerability – I want to be able to stay at home! – is built by the hands of many, many activists from the student, union and feminist movement. The initiative was designed by the @afrontepa and @resistenciafeministapa movements, but with the aim of being much bigger! We want to add the various campaigns that are taking place in the metropolitan region and work in partnership with the various entities and social movements in the state”. Click here to access the Instagram .

The Telas em Movimento project was born with the aim of democratizing access to cinema, especially in the periphery of the Amazon. In the face of the pandemic, the project decided to reformulate itself to assist in the fight against Covid-19 and help vulnerable families on the outskirts of Belém. More information can be accessed on Facebook page .

The Tela Firme collective carried out a campaign to collect basic baskets and hygiene and cleaning materials for the families most economically affected by the social isolation resulting from the coronavirus pandemic. The Campaign, called Terra Solidária, also donated fabric masks to street vendors in the Terra Firme neighborhood in Belém, where the collective carries out its actions. Visit the website for more information.

The Popular Committee in Defense of the People and Against the Coronavirus is a broad, non-partisan space, formed by various Social Movements, Unions, Associations, Non-Governmental Organizations, Union Centrals and all people willing to fight for life and build concrete and sustainable actions. unified, through solidarity in the fight against the Coronavirus in the city of Porto Alegre and RS.

The Marco Zero organization, which aims to “qualify public debate by promoting investigative and independent journalism”, is launching the map of popular communication in Greater Recife. The idea is to increase the visibility of peripheral narratives, in the context of the fight against the pandemic. To participate in the mapping, you can access the form on the website .

Recife de Luta is formed by NGOs, social movements, research and action collectives and people committed to building a fairer, more democratic Recife, with equal rights and opportunities for its population. With the arrival of the coronavirus, the group has been carrying out several initiatives aimed at families in poverty that need urgent support to ensure safety and health. Go to the website to check.

The Network of Popular Collectives of Paulista COPPA, formed by several groups from the periphery of the Metropolitan Region of Recife, joined other civil society organizations and professionals to map the areas of greatest socio-spatial vulnerability in the municipality of Paulista. From the crossing of 11 indicators (which take into account variables such as age, gender and race, among others), the Atlas mapped the areas of lowest and greatest vulnerability in the territory. The survey also collected data on official cases of contamination by the virus and showed that these were concentrated in the most densely inhabited areas until mid-April. The Atlas can be accessed here .

The Periferia Viva National Campaign, and other partners, launched a booklet that aims to train popular health agents so that each one can help fight the virus locally, in their community. The booklet provides information about the coronavirus, the actions of a popular health agent, how to take care of your community, among others.

The research group Social Practices in Urban Space ( Praxis ) of the School of Architecture of the Federal University of Minas Gerais and the Municipal Secretariat of Urban Policy of Belo Horizonte launched a mapping of initiatives to combat covid-19 in slums and occupations in the Metropolitan Region. from the mining capital.

The Associação Imagem Comunitário, from Belo Horizonte, launched the platform “Periferia Viva: Covid-19 Task Force”, an initiative with the objective of bringing together “campaigns, demands and initiatives of those who are in the peripheries, villages, agglomerations and slums of Belo Horizonte. , from Greater BH and from the interior of Minas”. On the website , it is possible to access a map of the actions that registered in the initiative.

The Movimento de Luta nos Bairros, Vilas e Favelas (MLB) launched a virtual fundraising campaign to finance solidarity actions for communities in Minas Gerais. the organization aims to reach 1,500 families. More information on this page .

Nationally, the MLB also undertakes the “Periphery Without Corona” initiative. On the initiative's website, it is possible for community residents and traders to register to participate in “financial support” and “market search” actions. Access here .

With the help of a group of partners, Movimenta Caxias is distributing basic food baskets, hygiene kits and organic food to the most vulnerable in Duque de Caxias and Baixada Fluminense. The Movement's Facebook offers information about the initiatives, promotes discussions with experts on various topics and also reports on how the money raised is being used. In addition, it is possible to find bank details to make donations.

Coletivo Papo Reto , Voz das Comunidades and Coletivo Mulheres em Ação no Alemão joined together to form the Alemão Crisis Cabinet . These are organizations that have been operating for years and have adapted their agendas to help fight the pandemic. In addition to distributing donations, they also carry out awareness campaigns, fight against fake news, promote favela sanitation campaigns and denounce police violence.

The Frente de Mobilidade da Maré, even knowing the difficulties with the underreporting of data reported by the government, took the initiative to prepare a panel that is updated daily with the number of confirmed cases and deaths in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.

Redes da Maré, an organization that operates in the complex of 16 favelas in Maré (Rio de Janeiro), where approximately 140 thousand people live, launched the “Maré says NO to Coronavirus” Campaign. On the organization's website you can find information about donating food baskets and how volunteers can help. The resources raised by the Campaign will be used for purchases “primarily, with small local entrepreneurs , with the aim of circulating resources within Maré in this period of crisis”. See also interview with Eliana Silva, founder of Redes da Maré, published in Jornal El País, on 3/28/2020.

The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation joined Redes da Maré and organizations from the Manguinhos community to launch the “ Se Liga no Corona! “, which aims to disseminate reliable information adapted to the context of the peripheries. The content produced by the campaign is available for download on the Fiocruz Portal and on Maré Online . In addition, the Campaign launched a validation seal for communication materials produced by partner community organizations. Its content will be submitted to specialists at Fiocruz and, if valid, they will receive the Fiocruz Tá Junto , offering the material a scientific seal.

#pratodoscomunidades an initiative of the NGO Voz das Comunidades, created to bring ready meals to those in need, in addition to generating jobs in the community. As the campaign reports, “Baskets sometimes may not be enough to help. There are families without gas, water or electricity to cook, needing a plate of food”.

Four young people from Rocinha, South Zone of Rio, who are technology and computing enthusiasts created the Opina Rocinha project, with the aim of capturing the perception of favela residents about the pandemic. The panel provides information on the situation in which favela residents find themselves in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak. The objective is to provide data on the conditions of the favelas, including with the aim of enabling public policies that really serve and help these people.

On March 21st, community leaders from Paraisópolis made a call to recruit volunteers, who became “street presidents” or “brigadistas” (gathered in the photo above). The call is published on the community's Facebook page Since then, the community has created shelters, purchased ambulances and held protests denouncing the lack of support from the State government. See the Open Letter sent to state authorities here.

Brasilândia is one of the districts of São Paulo most affected by the pandemic. Since April, a network of civil society actors has been created, which has expanded to include government actors: “Initially headed by local leaders, today it works in articulation with representatives of Health, Social Assistance, Public Security, Culture, Education and other areas of the public policy. Any person or organization can participate in this collective. The moment needs to be of union and solidarity ". See more about the Network on the Facebook .