In addition to the protests mentioned in other posts on this page, we made a list (certainly incomplete) of some of the main protest hashtags used in the first year of the pandemic:

  • #CoronaNasPeriferias
  • #COVID19NasFavelas
  • #CUFAcontraovirus
  • #Favelacontravirus
  • #PagaLogoBolsonaro
  • #CoronNasPerifas
  • #Covid19nasPeriferias
  • #CovidNasFavelas
  • #Covid19PeriferiasBelem
  • #covid19nafaveladoaço
  • #JacarezinhoContraOCoronavirus
  • #DiarioDeUmFaveladoNaPandemia
  • #CoronaNasPeriferiasEFavelas
  • #Stay at home
  • #maesdafavela

On May 7, 2020, the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC) held the Virtual March for Science.

Throughout the day, activities were broadcast on social media, with the aim of drawing attention to the importance of science in the fight against COVID-19. The University of Brasília, as well as other universities and research centers, joined this initiative. The video of the call can be viewed above.

Voz das Comunidades, a newspaper created by residents of Complexo do Alemão (RJ) in 2005, launched an application for cell phones, whose objective is to “fight misinformation about COVID-19”. The newspaper identified the demand, on the part of residents of Rio de Janeiro communities, for reliable sources of information in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. See more information on the newspaper's website .

The Genocide Protection and Resistance Network created the “Fala Quebrada” campaign, in which, through an online form, it made it possible to denounce actions of rights violations during the pandemic. In the form , it is possible to identify who performed the action, insert images and geolocation.

There are several reports on the increase in domestic violence against women in a context of social isolation. Many groups and collectives made videos without sound – to protect the women who access it – in which the participants carried posters with information on where to get help, as well as messages of solidarity. See, for example, the MOVIElas Instagram .

One of the most important digital campaigns of 2020 was the one that demanded the postponement of the ENEM tests, with the hashtags #AdiaEnem and #AdiaEnem2020.

During the pandemic, the website launched more than 500 petitions online , created as a form of mobilization to demand quick measures and assistance from the authorities. They are on different topics, such as cancellation of classes, postponement of events and temporary suspension of tax payments. To see some of the petitions click here . To see the campaign video, which argues in favor of this type of “couch activism” in the context of a pandemic, click here .

In times of pandemic, new digital technologies are being used intensively by communication groups and other organizations on the periphery, to present demands, disseminate opinions, exchange ideas. It is possible to access the various interviews, lives and podcasts that have been made by the activists themselves. See, for example:

Interview with Preto Zezé , National President of Central Única das Favelas.

Videos that talk about the Paraisópolis (SP) experience, here and here .

Podcast “ Quarantena “, from Agência Mural de Jornalismo das Periferias and Podcast Lugar de Quarentena , from the communication collective ARQUEPerifa .

Rádio Ação Paramita Conversation Circle, “ Favela, Self-organization and Covid-19 ”.

Thiago Vinícius, from Agência Popular Solano Trindade, a collective located on the outskirts of Campo Limpo (South Zone of SP), Roberta Rodrigues (Vidigal, Rio de Janeiro), Max Maciel (Projeto Ruas, Ceilândia, DF), Neila Gomes (Movimento pela Moradia , Belém), among others, are interviewed about their actions against the pandemic.

The Marajó Observatory works to build social technologies that serve the population, especially the Marajoara population, to guide the public agenda and political processes based on knowledge and information. The Observatory launched an initiative to provide data on the social context of the region and each of the municipalities, entitled Cadernos do Marajó, Special Edition – 40 days of Marajó with Coronavirus. The Notebook and other information can be accessed via the link .

The coronavirus has had even more devastating effects on quilombola communities, where health services are lacking and lethality is high. To give visibility to this situation and discuss ways out, activists and organizations made several lives. In one of the first lives, organized on June 4, 2020, CONAQ's executive secretary, Selma Dealdiana, and jurist Deborah Duprat address the topic, with support from Oxfam Brasil. Watch here .

A collective of volunteers created the platform , in order to help the vaccination campaign. In short videos , people who have already been immunized give an account of their experience. As the organizers themselves say: “With spontaneous and authentic narratives, we want to celebrate the beginning of immunization and expand information to all those who feel insecure or anxious about the effects of vaccines”. They are individuals from various parts of the country, who have taken different types of vaccines and make an appeal for everyone to protect themselves.

The Campaign was organized in 2021, around a “chain of good” on digital platforms. The idea is for each influencer to tag two profiles with which they have an affinity, using the hashtags #MudarOJogo and #Agenda2030paraVencerACovid. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development refers to an action plan, negotiated within the framework of the United Nations, which places the eradication of poverty and the reduction of inequalities as global challenges and indispensable requirements for sustainable development. Brazil and 192 other countries that make up the United Nations (UN) have committed to implementing the 2030 Agenda. The initiative for this Campaign is from the Civil Society Working Group for the 2030 Agenda (GT Agenda 2030).

Many organizations have launched initiatives to ensure that the federal budget prioritizes fighting the pandemic. On July 14, 2021, they organized the tweet #BudgetSemPovoNuncaMais. In addition, to mobilize for the National Congress to guarantee resources for vaccines: “Vaccines against Covid-19 bring us hope, but there is a great challenge for them to reach all people. The National Congress needs to act fast to protect the population. … The National Congress needs to approve the Emergency Floor in the 2021 Budget, which will guarantee resources for health, social assistance, education and food security in this pandemic year”. Access here.

This live discusses the initiatives and challenges faced by social and community organizations in the face of the pandemic, during the first months of 2020. It is a conversation with Marcivan Barreto, state president of CUFA - Central Única das Favelas, Anabela Gonçalves, president of Associação Cultura Bloco do Beco, federal deputy Orlaldo Silva and Wagner Silva (Guinea), coordinator of the Development Strategy of the Tide Setubal Foundation.

Theme: social and community organizations facing the effects of the pandemic. Access the live video here.

The UOL Debate of 04/24/2020 brought together community representatives to discuss the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic in the country's slums. Anna Karla Pereira, co-founder of Frente Favela Brasil; Christiane Teixeira, community leader from Coroadinho (MA); Gilson Rodrigues, community leader from Paraisópolis (SP) and Isabela Souza, director of Observatório das Favelas. Bianca Santana, columnist for ECOA, mediates. Access here.

Sonia Guajajara, one of the most important Brazilian indigenous leaders today, spoke on August 7, 2020 with reporters André Barrocal and Felipe Milanez, about the struggles of indigenous peoples against the new coronavirus pandemic. In that conversation, she linked the challenges faced in the context of the pandemic to the attacks perpetrated by the government of Jair Bolsonaro on the rights of indigenous peoples. Access here.

The Covid-19 Observatory in Quilombos is an online platform that gathers epidemiological data on the new coronavirus pandemic among quilombolas from all over Brazil. The monitoring, carried out by the National Coordination of Articulation of Rural Black Quilombola Communities (Conaq) and by the Socio-Environmental Institute (ISA), presents monitored, confirmed cases and deaths resulting from Covid-19 among quilombolas.

The Observatory was launched in a live, held on May 28, 2020, with the participation of Jurema Werneck, Milene Maia and Sandra Andrade. Access here.

The Marcha das Margaridas organized the series of lives 'Prose of Daisies in times of a pandemic'. Broadcast live on FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE and PORTAL DA CONTAG, it addressed topics related to the political axes of the Political Platform of the Marcha das Margaridas. They are important contents and reflections about the problems and social, economic and political issues that, as a whole, have been affecting the lives of women.

In its fifth episode, the series discussed 'Territorial Rights and Commons: Struggle and Resistance'. This Live will have the moderation of Mazé Morais, family farmer, secretary of women at CONTAG and general coordinator of the 6th March of Daisies. The guests were: Maria Emilia Pacheco – FASE Advisor – Solidarity and Education, and member of the Executive Nuclei of the National Agroecology Articulation (ANA) and the Brazilian Forum on Food and Nutrition Sovereignty and Security (FBSSAN), Sandra Maria da Silva Andrade – Director of the Federation of Quilombola Communities of Minas Gerais (N'Golo), Executive Coordinator of the National Coordination of Articulation of Rural Black Quilombola Communities (CONAQ), and resident of Quilombo Carrapatos, in Tabatinga/MG, Helena Gomes da Silva – Movement Coordinator Interstate of the Quebradeiras de Coco Babaçu (MIQCB) regional Piauí, Cristiane Julião Pankararu – Anthropologist, integrates APOINME, APIB and collective Voz das Mulheres Indígenas. Access here.

How has the pandemic impacted urban quilombos in Rio de Janeiro? How important are these spaces to preserve memory and as tools of resistance? These were some of the questions discussed in the live held on May 5, 2020 with leaders of the five urban quilombos in Rio de Janeiro, who also spoke about the situation of their territories in times of a pandemic: Luiz Sacopã (Quilombo Sacopã); Adilson Almeida (Quilombo do Camorim); Gizele Mesquita Martins (Quilombo Cafundá Astrogilda); Bárbara Guerra (Quilombo de Marambaia). Access here.

On May 7, 2020, Live with Coletivo Catarse , a cooperative that works with cultural production and media in Porto Alegre, took place. The live addressed the issue of civil society communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. The event was presented on the Witness Brasil channel and had the participation of the cooperative members Bruno and Clementina. Access here.

How can the coronavirus pandemic impact life on the periphery? What has the government done to prevent the already difficult life of millions of people who already live in precarious conditions from becoming even worse? Economist Laura Carvalho, author of the book Valsa Brasileira, and activist Renê Silva, founder of the NGO Voz das Comunidades (from Complexo do Alemão, in Rio de Janeiro) discussed the topic with Katia Maia, executive director of Oxfam Brazil, on the 30th April 2020. Access here.

Quilombola Selma Dealdina, from the National Coordination for the Articulation of Rural Black Communities and Quilombolas (Conaq), and the former Deputy Attorney General of the Republic, Deborah Duprat, talked about the topic “Inequalities: Quilombola Communities Facing the Pandemic”, on the day June 14, 2020. The moderation was in charge of Katia Maia, executive director of Oxfam Brazil. Access here.

To talk about the issue of inequality and the pandemic, the weekly live organized by Oxfam-Brasil on June 11, 2020 invited two experts. The first guest was Anielle Franco: Writer, professor and master in journalism and English from the University of North Carolina (USA). She is director of the Marielle Franco Institute. The second guest was Marcos Nobre, writer, philosopher and social scientist, professor of philosophy at Unicamp and president of the Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning (Cebrap). Live can be accessed here.

The second live of the Gender and Family Relations Laboratory - LABGEF, held on July 14, 2020, had as its theme "Social movements in the pandemic: experiences of Florianópolis, Lisbon and Seville", with mediation by Francisco Canella and participation of / the teachers: Francisco José Cuberos Galhardo (University of Seville, Spain. Assembly of Alcalá), Simone Frangella (University of Lisbon, Portugal. Grupo Chão), Elisa Jorge (National Movement for the Fight for Housing – MNLU. BrCidades, SC). Access here .

The eighth live promoted by the Brazilian Association of Teaching and Research in Social Service , held on September 1, 2020, discussed the theme "Social movements, social struggles and class solidarity". Exhibitors and exhibitors: Marina dos Santos – Landless Workers Movement (MST) -Rud Rafael – Homeless Workers Movement (MTST) -Josi Costa – Small Farmers Movement (MPA). Access here.

This debate, held on June 21, 2020, discussed the actions that psychologists and social movements are developing in the territories. It counts with the participation of Andrea Arruda (psychologist, member of the collectives Periferia Segui Sangrando and Escola Feminista AbyaYala), Rodrigo Silva Santos (State coordinator of the Emancipa Network of Popular Education Movement) and Glória Maria (journalist and audiovisual producer and producer of the battle of Paraisópolis). Access here.

Held on April 17, 2020, the episode of “Café com MST” spoke with former president Lula, musician Chico Buarque, federal deputy (PT-SP) Alexandre Padilha, Contraf Brasil leader Elisangela Araújo, and the president of CONTAG, Aristides Veras. The mediation was carried out by João Pedro Stedile and João Paulo Rodrigues, national leaders of the MST. Access here.

To inaugurate the series of Conferences entitled “Reflections on Brazil in Pandemic Times”, the MST discussed, on 10/15/2020, the topic of food sovereignty. The participants were: Maria Emília Pacheco, anthropologist, FASE advisor and former president of Consea, Letícia Sabatela, actress, Bela Gil, culinary artist and television presenter, Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, former president, José Graziano da Silva, agronomist , professor and former president of FAO, and João Pedro Stedile, from the National Coordination of the MST. Access here.

The Periferia Viva Solidarity Campaign organized a live on August 3, 2020, to discuss the profound impacts of the pandemic on women, inside and outside the home. The meeting had the participation of Débora Diniz, an anthropologist professor at the University of Brasília, and Isis Menezes Táboas, from Popular Consultation. Eliane Martins, Campaign coordinator, coordinates the debate. In the presentation, she argues, on the theme of the use of social media by the movements: “we are also kind of young here in this Internet story, so we are still a little confused, because our beach was not that virtual one, our beach was – still is – face-to-face… (we are) learning to deal with this space” (minute 10). Access here. To watch other lives organized by the Campaign, see the Facebook page .

Thinking about the intensification of vulnerabilities by the coronavirus pandemic, the Justice and Human Rights Association - JusDh launched, in this live held on April 13, 2020, the Justice for Human Rights campaign. The Campaign is a space to reflect on another Justice System – a Justice for the defense of human rights. Access here.

The Cidades em Movimento platform promoted, on August 19, 2020, a chat about the strategies to face the new coronavirus carried out by collectives, organizations and social movements in the Manguinhos favela. Challenges related to food insecurity in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic were also addressed. The meeting was attended by: Márcia Corrêa e Castro, from the Coordination of the Campaign se Liga no Corona; Taís Ariza, nutritionist Ensp/Fiocruz; Jussara Rafael Ângelo, from the Coordination of Social Solidarity Action in Manguinhos and Paloma Gomes: Volunteer in the collective Manguinhos Solidário. Access here.

In the fifteenth live promoted by “Morhan in Quarantine”, on June 11, 2020, a debate was held with activists organized in social movements from various parts of the country on how to face issues that were already serious before the pandemic and are now still being discussed. more urgent. Live was attended by Altamira Simões - National Health Advisor / Lai Lai Apejo Network / Popular Health Educator and Psychologist, Ana Lucia - Representative of Overcoming Lupus at the National Health Council and president of Grupar / Encontrar, Darcy Costa - representative from the MNPR - National Movement of the Homeless Population - SP, Moyses Toniolo - National Health Counselor and member of the National Articulation to Fight AIDS (Anaids) and the National Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS and Getulio Vargas Jr. – President of CONAM – National Confederation of Residents' Associations (CONAM) Access here .