For the reduction in college and school tuition during the COVID-19 pandemic

Citizen João Júnior created this petition to press for the reduction of tuition in private institutions, due to the postponement or suspension of in-person classes. The author reinforces that in the crisis generated by the pandemic, people are finding it difficult to pay the bills, among them, college tuition or children's school. In view of this, the author highlights that a government measure is needed so that we can have some reduction in tuition during this period, as many pay for in-person classes.

Hundreds of students filed petitions to put pressure on their universities and schools, but the author highlights the need for a general measure that influences all institutions to adopt the same rules.

In all, there were more than 90 thousand signatures that pressed for the approval of at least one of the two bills (PL 1119/2020 / PL 1163/2020) that addressed this issue. The projects had only 92 expressions of support on the websites of the Chamber and Senate until April 2021.

In addition to the projects in Congress, several actions in state legislatures address the issue. Access the online petition here .

Campaign ENOUGH!

“Brazil, its institutions, its people cannot continue to be attacked by someone who, democratically anointed to the post of

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