In partnership with the research group NEPAC (Nucleus for Research in Participation, Social Movements and Collective Action), from Unicamp, public manifestos written by different sectors of civil society in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic were collected. Public manifests are documents collectively constructed and signed, which express and publicize the official position of a group of subjects in relation to a certain theme or issue. In this way, notes, reports, letters of repudiation, campaigns and other documents were collected, which expressed disagreement with the directions of policies to face the pandemic and its social and economic consequences and, in many cases, also suggested alternatives. The criteria used in the selection of documents were: 1. “National” or “regional” documents (texts produced at the state, municipal or community/neighborhood levels, as well as texts produced by a single regional or municipal institution were discarded); 2. Documents that are proposed or rejected aimed at State bodies or society in general. 3. Social media posts by a single individual were not included, but documents signed by collectives and/or collectively organized individuals; 4. The collection was not restricted to the most well-known social movements, initiatives were included even outside the field of social movements to perceive proximities and differences; 5. Exclusive solidarity campaigns and guidance booklets were not included. 6. Notes from physicians or specialists were discarded. The report, “Public Manifestos in Times of Covid-19”, by Ana Cláudia Teixeira and Adriana Pismel, from the NEPAC team is available here.

The #ForaGarimpoForaCovid campaign is an initiative of the Yanomami and Ye'kwana Leadership Forum and the Hutukara Yanomami Association (HAY), Wanasseduume Ye'kwana Association (SEDUUME), Yanomami Kumirayoma Women's Association (AMYK), Texoli Ninam Association of the State of Roraima (TANER), Yanomami Association of the Cauaburis River and Affluents (AYRCA). The action was motivated by the threats generated by the impact of Covid taken to indigenous territories by illegal miners.

On the website of the online petition, the Yanomami Indigenous Land Leadership Forum asks for the right to live without mining and in health. In view of the situation, it requests that the authorities of the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Health take urgent measures together with other government bodies for a coordinated action and with due technical sanitary precautions in order to promote the total deintrusion of the miners who are still on the lands. indigenous.

There have already been more than 439 thousand signatures and two projects in progress ( PL 776/2020 , PDL 136/2020 ) that address this issue, but which had less than 20 support on the websites of the Chamber and Senate until April 2021.

Access the Fora Garimpo, Fora Covid petition .

Kanindé Ethnoenvironmental Defense Association , a civil society organization created in 1992 in Rondônia, created a page, explaining the importance of helping indigenous peoples to face the pandemic:

“Due to the New Coronavirus pandemic, the situation of indigenous peoples, which was already very difficult, got even worse. Many villages depend on the sale of their products (flour, nuts, coffee, handicrafts, etc.), and this trade has been hampered or, in most cases, completely stopped. In addition, many indigenous people who receive some type of benefit such as Bolsa Família or Aposentadoria are not withdrawing these amounts because they now avoid going to the city. It is also worth remembering that the indigenous immune system is different from other populations because their bodies were not or are used to many diseases. To make matters worse, in most cases, access to health care is more difficult for forest peoples, who have historically been massacred by previously unknown diseases and are now at risk of genocide”.

In addition to Kanindé's bank details, the page also offers a list of other options – other organizations and initiatives to help indigenous peoples.

The Popular Committee in Defense of the People and Against the Coronavirus is an initiative organized by various Social Movements, Trade Unions, Associations, Non-Governmental Organizations and Trade Union Centrals, in addition to people who are not directly involved in these movements. The Committee operates in the city of Porto Alegre and is made up of movements from Rio Grande do Sul. There is a mobilization group on Facebook , where you can check the emergency measures advocated.

Several organizations, such as the Covid-19 Observatory, ABRAJI, PURPOSE, among others, launched a new portal on vaccinations against COVID-19, called “Open Box”. The portal was created with two objectives: to inform and to pressure.

On the portal, it is possible to find various information about vaccination, so far. In addition to being able to sign the open letter to the Ministry for transparency in this process. Access here .

The virtual act “Defending the Amazon is defending life” was promoted by an articulation of organizations that work in the nine states of the Amazon region: Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB), Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB), Via Campesina, Ninja Media, Terra de Direitos, National Council of Christian Churches in Brazil, Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network, International Rivers and Friends of the Earth. The act brought together community leaders in testimonies and cultural actions to celebrate September 5: Amazon Day. Access here.

The proposal of the Amazoniza-te campaign is to be a prolonged and urgent action that articulates the Leaders of Indigenous Peoples, the Church in the Amazon, the different ecclesial bodies, artists and opinion makers at national and international levels and scientists, enhancing complaints about the severity of the situation faced by Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and consolidating the proposals and claims of the peoples themselves and the land. Access here.

With the support of artists, intellectuals, activists and citizens from around the world, the movement invites you to imagine the post-pandemic future to provoke action in the present.

The objective is to encourage participation and engagement in the networks of those who want to build a future that is not the past and prevent the return of the abnormality that condemns ours and other species. Access here.

152 Brazilian bishops, archbishops and bishops emeritus released a document called “Letter to the People of God”, in which they harshly criticize President Jair Bolsonaro, especially in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic and Bolsonarism.

“Analysing the political scenario, without passion, we clearly perceive the inability and inability of the Federal Government to face these crises”, they say in the document. Access here .

The Black Coalition for Rights, an articulation that brings together 150 organizations and collectives of the black movement, proposes a request for impeachment against the current President Jair Bolsonaro for the crimes of responsibility committed by him and how they aggravate the policy of genocide against the black population. Read here.

Entities from all over Brazil express support for recommendation 62 of the CNJ (National Council of Justice), which lists measures to be adopted by magistrates in order to reduce overcrowding in the prison system and save lives in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Signed by more than 70 institutions, the document also asks the Ministry of Justice and Public Security and the National Penitentiary Department (Depen) to abandon political disputes and prioritize the preservation of lives, respecting the competence of the CNJ, the independence of the Judiciary and the Constitution. Read the manifest here .

“Janelas pela Democracia” is a campaign launched by the PDT, PSB, REDE, Cidadania and PV parties, aiming to unite citizens who publicly defend democracy and who support the impeachment requests of current President Jair Bolsonaro, pending in the National Congress. Click here.

The Federal Public Defender's Office (DPU) together with some state Public Defenders, as well as the Public Ministry of Labor, have issued recommendations to City Halls and public bodies to guarantee the Recyclable Material Collectors and Collectors in Brazil in the face of the covonavirus pandemic.

Among the recommendations is the need for minimum income and food security programs, as well as the provision of protective equipment and cleaning products. Access here.

Seeking to preserve the conditions for the continuity of the work of collectors and their associations and cooperatives in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, several entities, such as the MNCR - National Movement of Collectors of Recyclable Materials, issued a motion in order to present considerations and proposals for the sector. Access here.

“The Brazilian Association of Non-Governmental Organizations – Abong, a national entity that brings together more than 200 civil society organizations from all over the country, expresses its indignation at the pronouncement of the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, on national television last Tuesday. , March 24, 2020 on the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.” Access the full note here.

“Faced with the serious situation of the Coronavirus pandemic for the Brazilian black population, we demand that the authorities and sectors committed to human rights manifest and act to overcome racial inequities, taking urgent and immediate measures to care for and save the black population. , above all, the most vulnerable among us.” Check out the full document here.

The document of proposals for the defense and guarantee of the human rights of the homeless population was prepared by the National Campaign for Children Not from the Street, the National Movement of Street Boys and Girls, the National Movement of the Street Population and the National Pastoral of the Street People . Check it out here.