Various requests and petitions for Impeachment

Throughout the research of petitions, several presented the same request: the Impeachment of the President of the Republic Jair Messias Bolsonaro.

In all, there are already more than 106 requests stopped for the president of the Chamber of Deputies to decide whether or not to continue.

Here we present together the three with the highest number of adhesions until April 2021. In all, there are more than 794 thousand signatures in support of these petitions and no movement seems to move the drawers of the president of the Chamber of Deputies, who is solely responsible for making or do not walk these requests.

The three online petitions listed were created by citizens and use hashtags that are already seen daily on social networks such as #ForaBolsonaro or #ImpeachmentJá . Unlike bills, impeachment requests are not accessible for citizens to support or not directly on the House website until they are accepted by the president and become ongoing legislative actions in the House.

Access petitions here

Out Garimpo, Out Covid

The #ForaGarimpoForaCovid campaign is an initiative of the Yanomami and Ye'kwana Leadership Forum and the Hutukara Associação Yanomami (HAY), Associação

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