Covid in prisons

Covid in prisons is an initiative that provides information to mothers and family members, publicizes important lawsuits in this context and legislation that supports the rights of people deprived of their liberty. During the pandemic, he also followed the cases of the disease in institutions of deprivation of liberty in Brazil.
Mandacaru Project

The Mandacaru Project is a voluntary collaboration platform, in which the combination of the parties intended to generate a much greater result to face the coronavirus pandemic. Students, professors, scientists, health professionals, exact or human contributed in the most diverse ways: spreading science-based information, fighting fake news, sharing scientific articles related to Covid-19 […]
CO-LAB Project

The CO-LAB platform is a non-profit initiative, developed with the aim of creating a collaborative network to face COVID-19 in the city of Maringá-PR. Access the initiative's website here.
Covid-19 – Solidarity in the Amazon

#TVPeriferiaEmFoco accompanied on the island of Cotijuba, in Belém, the solidarity action in the face of Covid-19 with the riverside families of Pará. The solidarity effort is part of the national campaign “We are Ready” that has already served more than 740 thousand people in Brazil. In Pará, the campaign was integrated with the Central de Movimentos Populares – […]
Training courses and social activism reXistance

reXistência.coletiva is a social activism initiative that is part of a network of graduate academics and professors at different universities in Brazil. The group offers online courses for complementary training, whose income in registration fees was 100% donated to organizations that assist trans, black and indigenous communities. Access more information […]
Emergency Support Fund: COVID-19

The Fundo Brasil foundation started an emergency support campaign for organizations, groups, collectives and individuals dedicated to the fight for human rights, for actions aimed at the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, a disease caused by the new coronavirus. Access here.
Brazilian Network of Women Scientists

More than 600,000 Brazilians died as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. As the national and international community is aware, a significant part of these deaths was caused by the Federal Government's decision to defy science and despise the lives of the Brazilian population, putting at risk those it had a duty to protect. The worsening of […]
There are hungry people

The collection campaign Tem Gente com Fome, organized by the Black Coalition and other partners, raised funds to buy food for more than 200,000 families mapped throughout Brazil who are in vulnerable situations.