Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, with the restriction of access to face participation in the National Congress and with government agencies, social groups mobilized in other ways to pressure institutions. In research carried out and published here in this repository, we examined the use of digital media as a pressure mechanism against the federal legislature, through online petitions for the approval of laws, as in the case of emergency aid, and to encourage the legislature to act, as in requests for postponement of ENEM.

Although both the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate have spaces for popular manifestation on the internet - such as the E-Citizenship and Legislative Participation pages of the Chamber of Deputies , in addition to ombudsmen and e-mail lists for parliamentarians - the restriction of circulation and voting only remotely resulted in the reduction of space for public debate. This is revealed in the fact that more than 4 million demonstrations were made in online petitions directed to parliament. Here we bring some, published on petition sites like Avaaz, and Public Petition for you to know. To learn more, check out our research report.

The Group of family members of Covid victims – Grupo Vítimas Unidas – was faced with the pain of not even being able to say goodbye to their family members. Thus, the group created the online undersigned to press for the approval of PL 2136/2020 , which became, in September 2021, Law 14,198/2021 – Maria Albani Law .

The initial proposal of the project was to guarantee the right to family members to say goodbye to their loved ones who were victims of infectious diseases. This is possible these days, albeit via video call. And the proposal was that this right be guaranteed by all hospitals in the country.

Faced with the pandemic of the new coronavirus, family members of Covid-19 patients faced, in addition to the pain of loss, the absence of the moment to say goodbye to their loved ones who cannot receive visitors. There were more than 119,000 signatures on the online petition and 49 on the Chamber's website by April 2021.

online petition for the right to visit and virtual farewell to loved ones who are victims of Covid-19 here .

The #ForaGarimpoForaCovid campaign is an initiative of the Yanomami and Ye'kwana Leadership Forum and the Hutukara Yanomami Association (HAY), Wanasseduume Ye'kwana Association (SEDUUME), Yanomami Kumirayoma Women's Association (AMYK), Texoli Ninam Association of the State of Roraima (TANER), Yanomami Association of the Cauaburis River and Affluents (AYRCA). The action was motivated by the threats generated by the impact of Covid taken to indigenous territories by illegal miners.

On the website of the online petition, the Yanomami Indigenous Land Leadership Forum asks for the right to live without mining and in health. In view of the situation, it requests that the authorities of the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Health take urgent measures together with other government bodies for a coordinated action and with due technical sanitary precautions in order to promote the total deintrusion of the miners who are still on the lands. indigenous.

There have already been more than 439 thousand signatures and two projects in progress ( PL 776/2020 , PDL 136/2020 ) that address this issue, but which had less than 20 support on the websites of the Chamber and Senate until April 2021.

Access the Fora Garimpo, Fora Covid petition .

The online movement to protect indigenous peoples from Covid , created by Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado. He who worked in the Amazon for the last decade, along with his wife Lélia Wanick Salgado, who designs his books and exhibitions, created the petition in support of the needs of indigenous peoples during this period.

According to the author and the author, the indigenous peoples of Brazil have long suffered from deforestation, forest fires, poisoned rivers and invasion of their lands. Faced with the coronavirus, the indigenous people ran the risk of being decimated by Covid-19, as there were no urgent measures to protect them and they were exposed to the coronavirus carried by invaders of their lands. The appeal was addressed to the three Powers of the Brazilian State.

With great international repercussion, the undersigned reached more than 295 thousand signatures, but the PL 1142/2020 that became Law 14021 of 2020 , which provided for specific actions for indigenous peoples in the pandemic, had just over 3500 support signatures in the House and Senate websites, just over 1% of the total reached by the online petition. The approved law had vetoes from the Federal Government that would significantly hinder its reach and that were rejected by Congress.

Despite the legislation, the results and prevention of Covid in indigenous territories was considered insufficient and the Brazilian government was internationally accused of indigenous genocide in the coronavirus pandemic.

Discover Sebastião Salgado's online petition to protect indigenous peoples from Covid-19.

A movement to combat the pandemic, Abril pela Vida was created by the non-profit organization Impulso Gov. And it had the support of the organizations Vital Strategies, Observatório COVID-19 BR, Public Policies and Society, National Academy of Medicine, ACT Health Promotion and Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Brazil.

The proposal was to convince federal, state and municipal governments to adopt a set of measures seen as more drastic to reduce and avoid the damage caused by the second wave of Covid in Brazil, during the month of April 2021. 

According to the campaign website, data showed that a three-week lockdown was the time needed for the Covid-19 vaccination to start having a significant effect and reducing deaths in Brazil. The #AbrilpelaVida movement called for the adoption of the measure, which should be accompanied by emergency aid, to ensure that as many people could stay at home safely.

The movement managed to convince several mayors and governors, but despite more than 100,000 signatures of support, no national measures were taken and the period still had significant numbers of contamination, hospitalizations and deaths.

Access the information and the online petition here:

The Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science created the undersigned to pressure Congress to overturn the vetoes to PLP 135/2020 , which provided for the release of resources from the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FNDCT), which is the main instrument of financing science, technology and innovation (ST&I) in Brazil. According to the authors of the petition , the vetoes completely altered the original project and allowed the contingency of 90% of the funds.

At a time of health, economic and social crisis, depriving resources to support universities, federal institutes and research institutions prevents research on vaccines, treatments and analysis of fundamental scenarios in this process. The authors reinforce that the release of resources from the FNDCT is essential in supporting scientific research and technological development in the fight against coronavirus.

With more than 131,000 signatures, the petition joined the advocacy and pressured parliament that overrode the vetoes and allowed the development of research such as new vaccines and genetic codes of the coronavirus. Access the petition here: https://www.change .org/p/senators-for-overturning-veto-to-fndct

When asking for the postponement of ENEM (National High School Exam), Minas Gerais student Elisa Teixeira started with her petition one of the most interesting movements of the pandemic involving online petitions. About to take the ENEM 2020, and in the face of the advance of the pandemic and the difficulty in properly continuing with classes and knowing the risks at the time of the test, she created this petition to ask that the Minister of Education, Abraham Weintraub and INEP , postpone the test.

In her online petition, the student highlights that about 6.6 million students in the country did not have access to the internet and many were not receiving distance learning classes. As if the difficulties in following the preparatory content were not enough, the pandemic situation itself was a major complicating factor.

Despite not initially being directed to Congress, the more than 260 thousand signatures and more than one million posts with the hashtags on social networks made parliamentarians, faced with a lack of manifestation by the MEC, propose projects (PL 1277/2020 and PL 2623 /2020) to ensure this postponement. With the movement of the National Congress, the Federal Government postponed the examination.

#AdiaEnem petition here .